Increasing Dental Practice Profit

As we currently have only practices in closing stages and are seeking good practices for our many qualified buyers, we want to invite all practices with Dentrix or Open Dental to consider:

Increasing Practice Profit while you are growing, gliding OR getting ready to sell. 

Many of you know and have worked with Nikki Yarnall – she can provide testimonials from dozens of practices in all stages of practice life. 

Why wait until you are getting ready to sell before streamlining your operation and adding to your profit sharing, investments, and your bank account. 

Nikki can work with you and your team in your office or remotely.  With the recent development of so many remote tools, she is helping practices all over the country.

Nikki Yarnall

Certified Dentrix & Easy Dental Trainer
Cell: 770-377-3592
Software support 1-800-735-5518